Expert NZ Residence Visa Assistance | Surani Associates Auckland
Navigate your path to New Zealand residency with Surani Associates, Auckland's leading immigration lawyers. Expert guidance on various residence visa options tailored to your skills and goals. Contact us today!
Work to Residence Visas
Designed for those working in Tier 2 Green List roles, requiring 24 months of experience. Offers a faster processing time compared to the Straight to Residence Visa option.
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Straight to Residence Visa
Ideal for those with job offers in Tier 1 Green List roles from accredited employers. Offers a pathway to permanent residency upon successful application.
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Transport Work to Residence Visa
Streamlines the path for qualified transport professionals with 24 months of experience in approved roles within New Zealand.
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Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa
Designed for healthcare professionals with 24 months of experience in care workforce roles, meeting the minimum sector wage rate.
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Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa
This visa allows holders of the Global Impact Work Visa who have completed the minimum 30-month residency period to transition seamlessly to permanent residency in New Zealand.
Eligibility: You must currently hold a valid Global Impact Work Visa, and you must have fulfilled the minimum residency requirements of 30 months in New Zealand.
Things To Note:
This visa offers a pathway to permanent residency for those who have already established themselves and made a positive impact in New Zealand through the Global Impact Work Visa program.
Processing times can vary, so it's advisable to plan ahead and apply before your Global Impact Work Visa nears its expiry date.
Permanent Resident Visa
Open to those who have held a resident visa for more than 2 years. This visa grants permanent residency, allowing you to live, work, and study indefinitely in New Zealand with unrestricted travel to and from the country.
Eligibility: You must have held a valid New Zealand Resident Visa for at least 24 months continuously. There are some exceptions for non-principal applicants depending on their situation. You can find more information on these exceptions on the Immigration New Zealand website.
Things To Note:
This visa is the final step towards permanent residency after holding a resident visa for the qualifying period.
The application process is generally straightforward, but it's advisable to consult with an immigration specialist to ensure all requirements are met.
Processing times are typically faster compared to other residence visa options. You can include your partner and dependent children aged 24 or younger in your visa application.
26 Jan 2024
INZ Update: Preventing Visa Applicants from Becoming Unlawful
25 Jan 2024
INZ Update: PRV Applications for Partners and Dependents of 2021 Resident Visa Holders
9 Oct 2023
New Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa Now Open
22 Jun 2023
Changes To The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa And Accredited Employer Work Visa
18 Jun 2023
Straight to Residence Visa
21 Apr 2023
Partnership-Based and Dependent Child Visas
16 Apr 2023
Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa